Growth Lies in the Stars with Amy Commander

Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about Astrology or why so many yogis and spiritual people find meaning in the stars? 


Growth Lies in the Stars 

This course will give an overview of the four main parts of Astrology: the zodiac signs, the planets, the houses, and a deep exploration of the Sun/Moon/Rising. I’ll wrap it up with my top tip on how you can start using your sun sign today to grow the life you want tomorrow! 


The Roots: Introduction to Astrology 4 Week Course


Astrology is a fun and powerful tool for using your personality to create a life you desire. The stars have so much to share with us - and it goes way past reading your horoscope! Once you understand, even the roots of Astrology, you can start to use your chart to be aware of what things you can control, be aware of what things you can’t control, and hone your intuition to generally make better decisions. This includes taking advantage of hidden gifts and opportunities. 


Everything that grows starts with the roots. Plants get nourishment from the soil through their roots. Humans start developing at the root chakra - the base of the spine - which continues to keep us connected to our own vital life force. Our families, communities, and homes become our roots as we go through life - providing both nourishment and life force.


So, too it is with Astrology. Paying attention to the roots: the meanings of the 12 zodiac signs, the 10 planets, the 12 zodiac houses, and how this all is connected to the positions of the sun, moon, and rising will connect you to your life force energy and help you grow stronger, bolder, and and more confident.


You'll walk away with:

• a deeper understanding of Astrology in general 

• a deeper understanding of yourself and your loved ones

•a deeper understanding of your life purpose 

•a deeper understanding of your gifts and challenges of this life time 



We are launching on March 12, 2022. This live course will meet for 4 weeks, 90 minutes each week (virtually on Zoom).


Week 1: Signs, Signs, Everywhere the signs - the 12 zodiac signs

Week 2: I'm your Venus; I'm your fire - the 10 zodiac planets

Week 3: Our house is a very very very fine house - the 12 zodiac houses

Week 4: Here comes the Sun, and it's all right - Sun, Moon, & Rising


Your investment for this introductory course is $300.


Email to sign up. Payment can be sent via Venmo:@Amy-commander-1