Become the Oracle - Secrets of the Major Tarot Cards

April 8, 2018 10:00 AM – 4 PM Your investment $85.

Learn how to tap into the field and get valuable information that will empower you to live your richest, fullest life using only the 22 major cards! Whether you’re new to the tarot or a seasoned reader, this class will expand your horizons when working with the major cards.

Looking for love or a juicier relationship? Find out what’s standing in your way and what you can do to move beyond the obstacles.

Want more fulfillment? What did life call you here to do, be, or share? Find out!

Tarot cards are tools. They are a language. They are guides, allies, friends and connectors! They interact with each other and with us on a very personal level.

They can show you where you are in any particular situation, whether action or inaction would be helpful, whether speaking up or holding your tongue would give the best result, whether a move is in your highest and best interest and if so why and where. If not, why not.

There are 22 major cards in the tarot. Each carries powerful archetypical energy and valuable information. You gather the information and then you make the call.

I’ll help you learn the major cards with key words, flow, and a fresh eye so that you can read the tarot working only with 22 cards. I’ll also show you how the court cards relate to the majors which will help you understand the kings and queens better when they show up in your readings.

We’ll explore the numerology of the major cards and what that says about your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

Bring your questions and concerns. We’ll cover how to read on them! Most of all bring your open heart and mind and get ready to have some fun learning to speak the language of the tarot. It’s recommended that you bring a traditional deck of tarot cards such as the Rider-Waite or Universal Waite. I’ll have some loaner decks available.

Become the Oracle!

Please register with 8 Limbs Yoga and Boutique,St Augustine, Florida 32080, and follow us on Facebook & Instagram.


Debra Lones was born in Miami, Florida, received a doctorate degree from Stetson University, and has spent a lifetime pursuing her interest in a living spirituality and mystical studies. In 2001, Debra traveled to Bali to study energy work. In 2002, she was part of an international group of 38 students and teachers who traveled throughout China studying Taoism. The group also learned about medical qigong. During her stay in China, Debra expanded her meditation practice in a cave high on the powerful Mount Huashan. In 2004, Debra traveled to Canyon de Chelly where she learned more about shamanic healing practices and experienced the hospitality and wisdom of a Native American host family. Debra continued her mystical studies in Egypt in 2005, where she underwent powerful initiations at ancient sacred sites throughout Egypt. Since then, Debra's travels have taken her to Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, and India. In February of 2014, Debra received a Sri Yantra activation beneath the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, India where the Buddha attained enlightenment.

Over the past 12 years, Debra has served as an instrument for, and facilitator of, powerful spiritual activations. People have reported amazing results following the activations including the removal of addiction, the disappearance of fear, overwhelming peace and compassion, enhanced psychic abilities, and a feeling of wholeness and integrity, to name a few.

Debra has done thousands of readings over the past 17 years and continues to explore the depth and rich symbolism available through the tarot.

Amy Commander